Prolink Spotlight: Marietta, Ohio
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Prolink Spotlight: Marietta, Ohio

December 22, 2021

Known as "Ohio's first adventure," the town of Marietta offers some amazing perks for healthcare professionals who take assignments at our facilities there. Here are a few things we love about this historic town, and we think you'll love, too!

Located on the Ohio River, Marietta became Ohio's first city when it was founded in 1788. Its rich history is still visible in the architecture and brick streets, where a modern and vibrant community now flourishes. You can watch riverboats traveling from inside one of the historic hotels downtown or from the beautiful banks of the river, and of course tours are available. For more outdoor fun, the Marietta Trail Network offers six of the most popular hiking trails in Ohio. Historic Marietta, Ohio


The annual Sternwheel Festival, the largest festival of its kind in the world, features an exciting variety of activities and music, as well as an impressive view of majestic sternwheel boats. Grab a delicious meal at The Galley, a former saloon that now forms the hub of Marietta's entertainment district. A wide variety of dining, arts, and musical performances take place throughout the yearbe sure to check out the Blues, Jazz, and Folk Music Society, which hosts the Annual River City Blues Festival, in addition to smaller events. 

Walking Trail in Marietta, Ohio

For all these reasons and more, Marietta is a popular destination for our travel healthcare professionals, who often extend their assignments to continue enjoying the unique appeal of this rural town. With the low cost of living, your salary stretches even further while working with Prolink. Contact us today about a variety of Registered Nurse positions and if you're a match for their needs, you'll receive quick feedback, with an offer typically extended on the same day as the interview.

What are you waiting for? Apply with Prolink today and see what Marietta has for you!

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